All in all I think our forefathers weren’t of the mind that the American dream would be realized overnight but rather the American experiment could evolve to meet the happiness and prosperity of every man, woman, and child. Our country could cap all the controversy about a New World Order, as other nations learns from the success America has with Occupational Parenting.

conclusion city    conclusion utopia

I think the thoughts of Americans, in the day of our forefathers, revolved more around the Bible. I remember reading something along the lines of “All a man has, is to take joy in is his toil”. It’s in quotations but I’m sure it’s not exact. Anyway a woman or a man getting paid to raise their baby just wasn’t going to happen. I think our society still lingers a little bit in those words whether they are solvent for today’s problems or not.

I capitalize Universe for the same reason I capitalize God. (I know I’m on thin ice but I did say I’d give a reason for capitalizing Universe) To me they are one an the same entity. God is perfect order in the Universe. One true God, one true Universe. Any other universes are only a part of the Universe. Any smaller versions of god are only a part of God. There are no bigger versions of either they are infinite and eternal. If the earth was undone tomorrow the Universe would not be undone. I believe in perfect order in the Universe even among the most ravenous chaos and for me it is the equivalent of hope and tranquility because I hope I will pass to an existence closer to The Fulfillment of the Creative Potential. Of course you don’t have to believe that to know that America needs a sustainable economy.

I believe our planet and solar system can be revitalized, our planets colonized, and our perceivable continuum sealed. This can take place if human kind can fill it’s niche in the Universe. It all begins with parenting correctly. A species must raise their children to a healthy state of independence or the the species will become extinct.

conclusion geneople conclusion geneople (2) conclusion geneople (3)

It is the information age and the way to honor it is not to stifle it. It seems the only place I can have a conversation about the mysteries of the Universe is a paid institution. Don’t get me wrong everyone should get credit for the information they come up with or prove but once the information is realized it should be put out there for everyone. Institutions such as colleges and universities that charge money for information would be and should be changed with Occupational Parenting, Still these institutions aren’t going anywhere except further into the home. So when I type free exchange of ideas I’m not saying the information age shouldn’t be part of our economy, I’m just saying everyone should have access to the same information and the money for the information they choose to fortify and put to use. There’s just too much bottle necking, when every day opens to new discoveries. The free exchange of ideas forges a better future for all.

Finally a society has to look thoroughly around every corner with a firm grip on the past.

conclusion isis    conclusion kkk

It can not teach hate, or oppression and murder in the name of God, Allah, supremacy, or science. A society must find its place in the Universe or lose its place completely.

conclusion nazi    conclusion inquisition

We can’t just sit stagnant either, afraid to move forward because of the past. It will take both our reasoning and emotional sensibility not repeat past mistakes or create brand new ones. The Universe does recognize us. We are intimate and can remain so eternally. We can discover that the Universe isn’t cold and careless but warm and with reason. Think about the Universe and God. Think about science, and measure your happiness. Your happiness could cause the Universe to expand with all new potential. Sounds like wishful thinking, but it doesn’t hurt anyone and can be separated from the current need to save America’s economy.

cleaning tip


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