I’m not a scientist or economist. I am simply a home keeper and I’m not the best home keeper but I consider home keeping to be the alpha and omega of occupations and this is why- The Umbrella Set E Law Human Earth. It’s just crazy scribblings, but I was able to extract some sanity and sensibility out of it. That sanity has become Homekeeperu.com. The ideas are still farfetched but, I think, sensible. It’s not appropriate to use the word law so I will call these rules. Hopefully these rules will prove to be empirical. I don’t have a degree but I have a good imagination. “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the world entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution,” (Albert Einstein). I’m sure if Einstein were alive today he would agree the imagination must embrace the Universe to embrace evolution.

The Rule of Human Survivability and Dominion

Establishing an offspring to the healthiest state of independence is as important for the specie as food and water for the individual.

survivalExplanation: The Universe teaches us in our earthly existence that no specie can avoid extinction without having babies and the babies have to be self sufficient in the wake of the adult’s demise. Who can argue with that unless someone defeats death and the need for childbirth. I think the Universe will run interference on that one.

Are humans and their offspring healthy as the Universe defines healthy? Humans are more health oriented now than they have been in all of human history. God bless Michelle Obama. I wouldn’t want to tackle the question of obesity vs. “baby fat”, “genetic origin”,  or “big boned children”. I think the question I’ve posed is a much easier one to answer. survival (2)There is no way to roll up healthiness in the Universe’s eye without considering physical health but we can say happiness goes a lot further to the core of this question. A person can work out for four hours a day every day and still be discontented. Misery disrupts the much needed energy conversion process. To interact with someone who’s miserable can be a drain on your own energy. You walk away feeling blah and usually try to avoid that individual more so than others. Humans must engage in certain behaviors to be happy and or content. The Universe can detect and respond to happiness as productivity and expand. This rule is better than “Don’t worry, be happy”.

survival (3)

The Rule of Human Need

The human must engage in guardianship, the making of love, and objective trade providing to be happy and progressing in all of these to be advancing. A sense wonder is inherent to the progressment and (This rule considers involuntary needs such as breathing and a heartbeat to be a given before other needs)

guardianshipExplanation: Guardianship begins with self preservation, something as simple as trying not to fall down. It evolves to protecting others, maybe a pet at first and eventually other family members and friends. It’s both nurture and nature. We learn not to kick the cat or pull the wings off of flies and at some point it should just feel wrong to do these things. We also develop a maternal or paternal instinct. These should drive us to be the best guardians we can be and fulfill a sense of purpose from which we derive our happiness. It’s difficult to be happy if you and others around you believe you’re not a good parent. It just leaves a true sense of purpose hanging in limbo. I think happiness is also learned to some extent. Remember it’s difficult to be happy if you don’t see happy.

The progressive nature of guardianship is The Bill of Rights, civil rights, and human rights in war crimes. There is quite a bit of discontentment driving the development of the works mentioned but the discontentment should not exceed the goal.

loveThe making of love is tightly bound to guardianship. It applies of course to our children, family, friends, pets and our significant other by whom we become one in the flesh. “BABIES!” I think the first purpose of sex is to procreate. It’s been made to feel so good to ensure that humans will participate. There is a question about the strength of the love for a significant other vs. the love of a child. I know that for me the love of my child is strongest. I do think scientist will be able to specifically calculate this in the future? It’s as sure as there being a correlation between emotions and chemical and physical changes in the brain and body.

The progressive nature of love can be seen in the status of women, children, and animals in the family.

I speak about love and there are those who think, “What of hate?” Hate is as abnormal as love is normal. Hate is the fastest way to the Fulfillment of the Destructive Potential. It is a manufactured product of a deficiency in The Rule of Human Need. The loss of a love one is huge here. A person may reject love rather than be vulnerable to that kind pain and discomfort again. The illusion of strength can become proving to everyone else that love is just vulnerability. if that person is successful it begets the spread of hate. In actuality strength is to love again.   

Objective trade providing is kneaded to the first two needs. It’s providing and attaining food, water, and shelter in a social way.

caveman    man cave          Caveman                                                                         Man Cave

It’s easy to see the progressive nature of this one when comparing clubbing an animal for food with a trip to the grocery store and the variety of change when comparing a house to a cave. 

family caveWhile all of the above is true it’s still very difficult to prevail in The Rule of Human Need because we are climbing the double helix genetic ladder of all our ancestors trying to emerge as self. It has been done, can be done, and must be done.

Family cave

If a human is fulfilled in these three needs they are happy. If anyone can think of something more or something less than these things I invite you to comment. You’re always invited to comment. Just be nice.


Here’s a pet tip about my dog.

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This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. myhome@homekeeperu.com

    Thank you for reading and for the support. I appreciate it.

  2. myhome@homekeeperu.com

    Thank you for your kind words. I really hope folks are getting the common sense message of HomeKeeperU. It’s time to be economically, and ecologically responsible for the energy we use and the energy of our posterity. Everything is an energy conversion process and it’s up to us to make sure the Universe is getting the most bang for it’s buck. There is no better way to do that than tying our most important occupation to our economic system. Occupational Parenting; no greater calling.

  3. myhome@homekeeperu.com

    Thank you for your kind words. I will follow my heart and hopefully it will lead to reason. Nice watches; is there anything special about them? In this generation most persons choose to use their cell phones to tell time.

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